On 19th May, 2018, Royal parasite Prince Henry or Harry as he's commonly known, plans to tie the knot with some trumped up footballers-wives-dreamer at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. As anarchists who believe in the abolition of the UK's medieval-style gangster-monarchy, it is our duty to expose this disgustingly-sick, paid-for-by-the-public event for the robbery it is.
While the exact cost of the shit show is still unknown, the UK press estimates the ceremony itself will cost no less than £500,000. St George’s Chapel can accommodate 800 guests, and Harry, as the third-in-line to the throne, is sure to invite some of the most hideous members of the UK government alongside those shameful leeches on society who sell their souls to become a Knight of the Realm (and if you're reading this from overseas, yes, Knighthoods are still a thing in the UK.)
It is estimated that 5000 of the worst and most aggressive police "officers" will take to the streets in London on the day of the Royal Extortion as part of a security operation to ensure the doomed couple's plans go off without a hitch (they'll be lucky.) Just imagine how much that is going to take out of the public's pocket!
The last Royal shit show between Prince "move over daddy" William and Kate Whateverthefuckhernameis reportedly cost between £7 million and £20 million to police, and where did that money come from? Well, let's just say there's a reason thousands sleep on the streets at night in a country with an economy worth £10 trillion. You paid for it. So did every other poor person in this country, and you're about to do it again.
The working class might not have an army or high-tech weapons to fight the state, but it's possible for everyone to show their resistance to this blatant misuse of public funds through anarchism and the anarchist concept. Don't organise street parties to celebrate this detestable family with homemade cakes and cheap sausage rolls; instead, arrange protests in your local towns and cities with people waving banners and shouting about the hypocrisy of the situation and how much you hate the scum. Ruin their propaganda wherever you see it and cause fucking chaos.
Don't tune in to the wedding on your TV sets, and for fuck's sake, don't go to the Mall waving British flags and giving your consent to these repulsive cunts. If you're working class, you should hate these wankers as much as the most dedicated anarchists in the country. Indeed, if you're working class, you're probably an anarchist deep down already without even realising. So, act now!
You have two months to prepare your campaigns and turn 19th May into the worst day possible for your oppressors. Subscribe and watch this space to stay updated with Invisible Guerrillas activism in Birmingham and around the UK, but don't wait for someone else to stand up and tell you what to do. Oppose the Royal wedding in every way possible at every available opportunity. If you see people in your hometown wearing pro-wedding t-shirts, make some #FuneralsNotWeddings tees and hand them out for free. Use your imagination and stick it to these rich bastards whenever you can. They've had it coming long enough.
Good luck motherfuckers.
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