Frustrated by nature (Something's gotta be done)
When most people hear the term "anarchy" or "anarchist, they tend to think of gangs of face-covered kids throwing bricks at the EDL's finest racist wankers. While that's certainly one function of the anarchist movement, the true ideology runs much deeper, and Invisible Guerrillas work hard to support all true anarchists around the world. The dictionary definition of the political theory is: "a political philosophy that advocates self-governed societies based on voluntary institutions." That probably explains the fundamental idea of the concept, but what does it mean in practice? Well, all true anarchists should aim to overthrow the government, monarchy, and any other form of authority in their societies. Anarchists believe that it's possible for human beings to co-exist peacefully without being forced into societal participation with the threat of impending violence. Just think about it for a minute. Are people who live in the UK free citizens...